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Longevity Summit

Six topics will be covered at Longevity Summit - stay tuned for the first speakers to be announced.

Longevity Summit is a conference that dives deep into the practical aspects of extending healthspan and maximizing human performance. The summit will cover a wide range of topics, including:

Optimal nutrition for longevity: Exploring evidence-based dietary approaches, such as time-restricted feeding, intermittent fasting, and the role of specific nutrients and supplements in promoting longevity and cellular health.

Exercise and fitness for longevity: Investigating the impact of various exercise modalities, from strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to endurance and flexibility exercises, on aging and longevity.

Performance optimization: Examining strategies for enhancing physical and mental performance, including biohacking techniques, sleep optimization, and stress management tools.

‍.Longevity Summit will bring together leading experts in nutrition, fitness, sports performance, and integrative medicine to share their knowledge and insights with attendees. The conference will offer actionable strategies and practical tools for anyone seeking to optimize their health, performance, and longevity.


Our speakers

core team

Our Six Topics

Performance & Fitness
Nutrition & Supplements
Beauty & Lifestyle
Mental Health & Happiness
Biotech, Medizin & Pharmazie
Society & Silver Economy

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