Thomas M. Hitchcock, Ph.D. is a geneticistby education and self-proclaimed holobiontologist, specializing in the skinbiome. He earned his doctorate in Genetics from Clemson University where hestudied DNA damage and repair in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, andwent on to complete post-doctoral trainings at Duke University and YaleUniversity in Biomedical Engineering, Vascular Biology and Therapeutics, wherehe researched use of viral vectors in gene therapy techniques used to improvecardiovascular tissue engineering methodologies. He concluded his academictraining at Weil Cornell Medical College studying multiple myeloma genetics.
Following his post-doctoral studies, Dr.Hitchcock began working in the field of dermatology at companies such asUlthera, which sold in 2013 to Merz. In 2013, Dr. Hitchcock helped to foundaesthetic device company Bellus Medical (now Crown Aesthetics) and served asthe Acting Chief Scientific Officer until the acquisition by Crown Laboratoriesin 2018. He also Founded the skin microbiome technology company XycrobeTherapeutics, Inc. in 2014 and served as its Chief Executive Officer untilacquisition by Crown in 2019. He currently serves as the Chief Science Officerfor Crown Laboratories and oversees Clinical Development, Medical Affairs,Biological Sciences (including Microbial Development) and Research &Development for Crown and its subsidiaries. Additionally, Dr. Hitchcock servesas an Adjunct Faculty member at the East Tennessee State University James H.Quillen College of Medicine where he serves to mentor doctoral students and collaboratewith the faculty on research and innovation.
As an inventor, Dr. Hitchcock has also beenissued patents on his inventions in aesthetic medicine, dermatology andmicrobiology. His most noteworthy invention is that of the Xycrobe technology,creating a new vertical of skin biome therapeutics. His work has been bothpresented to the scientific community and published in noteworthy scientificjournals and book chapters. Additionally, he is the co-author of the book“Rebooting the Biome”, along with notable dermatologist Doris Day, M.D.