Thomas Schulz

Bestselling Author & Chief Reporter


Thomas Schulz is Chief Reporter for the editorial board of Der Spiegel. Previously, he spent nearly a decade as a correspondent for Der Spiegel in the United States: first in New York from 2008, before moving to San Francisco in 2012 to establish the magazine’s editorial presence in Silicon Valley. He has been awarded the Henri Nannen Prize, the German Journalism Award, and was named Journalist of the Year, among other honors.

His widely acclaimed international bestsellers Was Google wirklich will (What Google Really Wants, 2015) and Zukunftsmedizin (Future Medicine, 2018) were published by DVA. In September 2024, he released Projekt Lebensverlängerung (Project Life Extension – How 100 Healthy Years Are Already Possible Thanks to Cutting-Edge Research and High-Tech Medicine – and What We Must Do Ourselves).

Schulz studied political science in Frankfurt and communication studies in the United States as a Fulbright scholar. At Harvard University, he conducted research on international economic policy.

Since 2024, Thomas Schulz has been a member of the advisory board at Europe’s leading center for healthy longevity, based at Toulouse University Hospital.