Anti-ageing doctor and is President
German Society for Prevention & Anti-Ageing Medicine (GSAAM)
Prof. Dr.Bernd Kleine-Gunk is regarded as Germany's number one anti-ageing doctor and isPresident of the German Society for Prevention and Anti-Ageing Medicine (GSAAM)- the largest anti-ageing society in Europe with 1,200 doctors.
In morethan a dozen books, he has made the subject accessible not only to doctors butalso to an interested lay audience. Several of his books have become Spiegelbestsellers. As a sought-after speaker in Germany and abroad, he knows how toconvey the topic of longevity in a way that is both well-founded andentertaining.
Prof.Kleine-Gunk is also a consultant for several companies, as the topic oflongevity is of increasing interest to a wide range of industries. In China, headvises a large hospital chain on how to integrate anti-ageing into everydayclinical practice. He is also a consultant to the Chinese government for theestablishment of so-called Health Cities. With the topic of transhumanism, hehas one of the most exciting and innovative topics of the future in hisprogram. Let Prof. Bernd Kleine-Gunk inspire you and find out whether we willactually live to be 250 years old in the future and how we will do it.